Samuel "Storm" Siegel

Born July 26th 1974...

During the onset of the fiercest Electrical Storm
Rochester, NY had seen in more than 30 years.

A native of Rochester New York, (had lived in Texas for a year,
and North Dakota for almost 10 years) now living in Bucks County PA.

I am 32 and have 3 angellic children.
They are the true apple of my eyes, and what keeps
me going day in and day out. The music just soothes
the savage beast which lay inside my head.

I play a Yamaha 12 string Acoustic Guitar (Amber),
a Washburn HOB-E 6 string Electric (Raven).
I also write my own music and lyrics. Not to mention poetry...

I write what I feel, and on what surrounds me.
Nothing is faked, or just for the sake of writing.

Bands I am Formerly of (Most Recent First):

In This Dying Dream
October Mourning
Hexed Pedestrian
Servants Of Twilight
S + M

Song playing in background: MIDI version of Machine Head by Bush.
One of my favorite songs. To stop Music from playing: Press STOP button on your web browser.