
The Candlewyck Lounge - Buckingham, PA

Open Mic Nite - Sunday, 30 May 2004

Brian scored a pic of me playing Amber just after I woke up...

At least I had my coffee first!
Sunday Morning (May 30)

The Candlewyck Lounge - Buckingham, PA

Open Mic Nite - Sunday, 23 May 2004

The Last Fargo Show.

The Common Grounds Coffee Co. 5-15-2004. 8pm.
A very special thank you to Jim and the staff at the Common Grounds, and all my fans.
It was truly an honor, a privilage, and a pleasure... Many thanks.

Pics from the Aprill 21st gig at The Common Grounds...

Pics of Spring Jam 7 Thursday Night.

Newest pics I have of my March 31st gig...
Also the best ones of the lot...

This pic was taken during ValleyCon 2001.
One of the few I have of me playing...

If you have pics of me playing, please feel free to flood my inbox with them...

This is a pic of me taken while relaxing before a show...