
The following links will lead you to Compressed MP3 files of my music. All performances recorded here are of Me. Original Songs are listed first, followed by Cover Songs (with the original bands listed - I do not take credit for the cover songs, I just show my appreciation for the Original Artists talent, thus I play them).

Original Music

Taming Of The Sun(3:42) "Taming Of The Sun" 3:42 (tots.mp3 - 3,476 K - 128Kb Compression) Lyrics
Sweet Misery (2:35 clip) "Sweet Misery" 2:35 opening clip (swtmsryclip.mp3 - 924 K) Lyrics
Sweet Misery (6:58) Full Version "Sweet Misery" (64Kbs Compression (3.19MB) Full Version) 6:58
Forever Lost (1:15 clip) "Forever Lost" 1:15 opening clip (foreverlostclip.mp3 - 931 K) Lyrics
Dry Your Eyes "Dry Your Eyes" (dryyoureyes.mp3 - 996 K) Lyrics
Not This Time "Not This Time" (notthistime.mp3 - 943 K) Lyrics
October "October" (october.mp3 - 913 K) Lyrics
self "Self" 90sec opening clip (selfclip.mp3 - 706 K) Lyrics

Other Songs:

"Dry Your Eyes II" Lyrics
"Tyme" Lyrics

Cover Songs

A Note on the Cover Songs I sing. I will ONLY play songs that have meaning to me.
If it fits a mood I happen to be in, I will play it.

Thunder Rolls (Garth Brooks) "Thunder Rolls" Originally Recorded by Garth Brooks (thunder.mp3 - 941 K)
Jonas and Ezekial (Indigo Girls) "Jonas and Ezekial" Originally Recorded by Indigo Girls (jonas.mp3 - 878 K)
Rest Stop (Matchbox 20) "Rest Stop" Originally Recorded by Matchbox 20 (reststop.mp3 - 947 K)
Push (Matchbox 20) "Push" Originally Recorded by Matchbox 20 (push.mp3 - 825 K)